MicroHerbs Products

We are currently microherb suppliers for the hospitality industry in Queensland (Qld) and New South Wales (NSW), with new clients coming on board in Victoria and the other Australian states.

green village seeds To grow your own herbs and fresh produce, check out these top quality seeds from Green Village Seeds.

The following microherbs are currently available for purchase from our Gold Coast farm:

microherbs greek basil
1. Basil - Greek

microherbs purple basil
2. Basil - Purple

microherbs bull's blood
3. Bull's Blood

microherbs cabbage
4. Cabbage

microherbs celery
5. Celery

microherbs chervil
6. Chervil

microherbs coriander
7. Coriander

microherbs komatsuna
8. Komatsuna

microherbs lemon balm
9. Lemon Balm

microherbs mizuna
10. Mizuna

microherbs mustard osaka
11. Mustard Osaka (discontinued)

microherbs mustard giant red
12. Mustard Giant Red (Green)

microherbs parsley
13. Parsley

microherbs radish
14. Radish

microherbs red garnet
15. Red Garnet

microherbs rocket
16. Rocket

microherbs rockmelon
17. Rockmelon

microherbs shiso
18. Shiso - Purple Perilya

microherbs snow pea tendrils
19. Snow Pea Tendrils

microherbs french sorrel
20. French Sorrel

microherbs spearmint
21. Spearmint

microherbs tatsoi
22. Tatsoi

microherbs watercress
23. Watercress

We also grow edible flowers in season:

Edible Flowers

nasturtium flowers
Nasturtium Flowers

zucchini flowers
Zucchini Flowers


Our microherbs are available in boxed packages:

mixed microherbs
Box of mixed microherbs

single microherb or garnish
Box of zucchini flowers

To order fresh micro herbs or to inquire about our services, visit the Contact Us page.


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